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How do I know my sites are receiving hits?
What do I do if I still don't see any credits being added to my account?
I never see my own sites, banners, or text links when surfing. Why?
What is a "frame breaker" and are they allowed?
When you add a new site to your account, it's tested 
and you get a question: - Does your website look fine, 
without violating our terms of service - and you will have to 
confirm. If you only see your own page, not inside the 
supposed frame, it's a frame breaker and not allowed to rotate 
on Framebreakers are serious 
violation of terms. If we find one rotating, the site will be deleted and banned.

Framebreakers are websites containing code designed to 
break the page out of any other frame it might occur within. 
Our surf page, contains 2 frames, a top frame and a 
mainframe (the members website). The targeted website will show up in the 
mainframe. If the targeted website is a framebreaker it will 
take over the whole window screen, hence further surfing 
becomes impossible. Framebreaking code is usually 
javascript code.

Surflinks: We do not allow any surflinks as targeted website. 
A surflink will show a surfpage from another traffic exchange. A 
surflink in the 
surfpage system will show pages not necessarily in 
compliance with terms of Service and will usually break out of frames. 

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How do I add a web-site?
Will my web-sites receive more hits if I list the same site 
multiple times?
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